
Archive for the ‘ICA’ Category

List for David Robilliard

In ICA on 03/05/2014 at 08:34

Disembodied wanderers

Magic time all the time

Upside down, boy you turn me

Pigeon flight / Poet write

You now know you know me

Joy of an unknown evening

Drain the eggs for grain

The quantity of undecided dreams

Sights of a hundred eyes

Opposite poles are buoyant

List for David Robilliard


List for Juergen Teller

In ICA on 11/02/2013 at 16:18

Striking (Hair and chords)

Naked fashion Queen

Table-top cat

Tree story

Spice in a bag

Mid lake shooting

Swimming with Björk

Lily stretch

Moss in wheelbarrow

Wild life in wildlife

List for Juergen Teller